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How to Get Rid of Asian Glow

By October 7, 2021August 27th, 2024No Comments

On my previous post, I talked about why people of mostly East Asian origins tend to develop a flushed face after drinking alcohol and touched briefly on how to get rid of Asian glow. On this post, I will elaborate a tad further on how to get rid of Asian glow so that you and me can save ourselves from public embarrassments without exposing ourselves to unnecessary illnesses or gambling with the result.

Can you get rid of Asian glow by taking antacids/antihistamines?

Okay, hear me out, I’m a firm believer of taking medications as intended. If you’re suffering from a bout of allergy (like I do) or acid reflux (sadly, like I do as well), antihistamines and/or antacids should be taken as your doctor prescribed.

I’m honestly not a big fan of chugging down pills for asian glow. Especially if consumed for an extended period of time. Research has even shown that combining alcohol with antihistamines actually poses serious risks. It’s not worth getting all those nasty illnesses for the sake of saving your face for a night.

And no, you can’t get rid of Asian glow permanently no matter what kind of antihistamines or antacids you take. It’s always temporary and never worth it.

Can you get rid of Asian glow by consuming something natural, then?

This is one of the methods used by people who want to learn how to get rid of Asian glow. Just dig on some yogurt, eat some slices of papaya or drink several cups of chamomile tea and you’re good to go… or are you, really?

As one team very amusingly demonstrated, results vary — which makes it highly unreliable. For example, chamomile tea may contain properties that act as natural antihistamines, but like everything found in nature, the concentration of such properties is hardly enough to yield any effect in the short term.

Unfortunately for us, we do need things to work, like, pronto.

So how to get rid of Asian glow, then?

You don’t. Or rather, there is currently no cure for Asian glow. The “cures” we have at the moment are all temporary. However, if you ask me what a good alternative is, you can always use anti-Asian glow skin patches.

Yes, they’re not perfect (nothing is). And true, you may have to find a way to strategically cover the patches with your clothing. But if you ask me? That’s a small sacrifice to make compared to risking your health by taking Pepcid or Zantac — and it definitely gives you a more reliable result than consuming certain fruits or teas.

The only time I don’t recommend the use of skin patches is if you have a skin condition (such as open wounds, dermatitis, etc) or allergic to some of the ingredients used for said patches. Always practice good due diligence and you’ll be fine.

So, there you go. Fancy a cocktail (or three) for the weekends? You know what to do.